歌:RADWIMPS 作詞・作曲:野田洋次郎
BPM=90 4/4拍子
|D----D/F#--C/E--|C----G----|Em---- ----|Bm----G----|
|D----D/F#--C/E--|C----G----|Em---- ----|G----A----|
BPM=196 4/4拍子
|N.C.---- ----|
|D---- ----|D---- ----|A---- ----|A---- ----|
|F#m---- ----|F#m---- ----|G---- ----|A---- ----|
|D---- ----|D---- ----|A---- ----|A---- ----|
|F#m---- ----|F#m---- ----|G---- ----|A---- ----|
BmYou were just a friend of mine and there were Anothing more or less
behind Gin between the two of us thus,I Gthought this will last Aforever
BmWhy should we suppose to be a good Aguy,girl that we're pretending to be
But Gyes, I was afraid to say goodGbye to the days we went Aas ever
Bmover thousands Amiles away from Ghere---- ----|G---- --
just Bmsearching for the Alights that guides us Ghere---- ----|G---- ----|
DYou were there for me,and I was Athere for you What else will you F#mexpect for love?
You've already knew,there's Gnothing so new in what we've Agave from birthday
DI am happy I hope you too,but Ayes, I am sad when your not in the mood
F#mThis is the very place in a Gfairy tale begins from "AOnce upon a time"
BmBy the way you're the one who told me to Aget lost and said,
"please will you never to Gshow up in front of me? Eternally"
GI wished you didn't mean it but you never Glied to Ame
Bmwe went over this again and again
but I Afeel something special when you call my name
So this is Gwhat love is all about
Who? What? When? Doesn't Gmatter all it matter's is now or Anever
BmOver thousands Areason you have Gsearched---- ----|G---- --
But to Bmtell the truth,to Alove someone,I'm Gpretty sure that Gone will do
DYou were there for me,and I was Athere for you What else will you F#mexpect for love?
You've already knew,there's Gnothing so new in what we've Agave from birthday
DI am happy I hope you too,but Ayes,I am sad when your not in the mood
F#mThis is the very place in a Gfairy tale begins from "Aonce upon a time"
|Dadd9---- ----|Dadd9/A---- ----|Dadd9/Bb---- ----|Dadd9/Bb---- ----|
|Dadd9---- ----|Dadd9/A---- ----|Dadd9/Bb---- ----|Dadd9/Bb---- ----|
理Bm由なんて一(ひAと)つでいいんだよG---- ----|G---- --
信(しBmん)じてみAてもいいんだよG---- ----|G---- --
そBmしていつか読Aみ返そう むかGしむかしあるGところに…
DYou were there for me,and I was Athere for you What else will you F#mexpect for love?
You've already knew,there's Gnothing so new in what we've Agave from birthday
DI am happy I hope you too,but Ayes,I am sad when your not in the mood
F#mThis is the very place in a Gfairy tale begins from"AOnce upon a …"
Now Emlet's start our F#mstory with the Gline starts from"AOnce N.C.upon a time"