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水平線 English short version

歌:Anonymouz 作詞・作曲:清水依与吏 翻訳:Anonymouz 原曲:back number

BPM=68  4/4拍子 -:8分音符 >:アクセント


Key: Bb

|Bb----Bb/F---- |Fsus4----F----|

BbNot to lieEbabout anything

I Fhave alwaysBbtried

And to be Gmsweet and kindDmat anytime

Ebto have a goldenFsus4heart--F--|

BbWhen somebody'sEb hurt

and they are sad

F feeling painBbinside

I've alwaysGmtried to be someDmbody

who can Ebfeel there brokenFsus4--heartsF--|

Cm Answers IF lose over someBb other answersGmtoo

Cm All correct but Dm sorrow fills myEb heartFsus4 >every>time IF >changeN.C. - |

BbSparkles waving hoEbadd9rizon glows YourFhopes will tumble down on thisD7/F#gleamingD7morning

GmAll the broken pieces areDmblowing in the air They'reEbbeautiful says someone Fwho saw them fly

BbSinging to a melody theEbadd9sorrow in it's voice ButFsomeday it will drift to theD7/F#openD7oceanGmandDmoutshine

You will beEbthere to see theFpurpose of your tears


Eb---- ----|Fsus4----F----|Fsus4----F----|

BbI won't remain in theEbheart of anyone AndFno one will remember who ID7was today but

GmIn all of the footstepsDminside all of the noise IEb cry out I'm hereN.C. existing in this world  |(1/4)N.C.--|

Key: C

(4/4)CSparkles waving hoFrizon glows YourG hopes will tumble down on thisE7/G#gleamingE7morning

AmAll the broken pieces areEmblowing in the air They'reF beautiful says someoneGwho saw them fly

CSinging to a melody theFsorrow in it's voice ButGsomeday it will drift to theE7/G#openE7oceanAmandEmoutshine

You will beF there to see theGsus4purposeGof your tears |Am----Em--You will beF there to see theGsus4 purpose of your tear(C)s

C---- --Csus4--|Cadd9     |