歌:EGO-WRAPPIN' 作詞:中納良恵 作曲:中納良恵、森雅樹
BPM=72 -:8分音符 >:アクセント =:16分音符 »:16部アクセント
Key: E
|E---- ----|EM7---- E--B/E--|AM7---- ----|AM7---- B----|
|B/E---- ----|E---- --B/E--|AM7---- ----|AM7---- --Asus2/B--(↓He loves)|
He Eloves EM7me E B/Elike a AM7child
Nobody neBsus4ars Bus to B/Esee or hear
You say we are Emovin'
HisB/E words AM7relax me
When I am restless in a storm,
He E/G#proF#m7tects me
I breathe your aiAsus2/Br
I breatheEsus4 deeply your loEve |B/E==== B/E==== E===E= =Esus4===|
EYour EM7love E B/E AM7takes me away from reality
Sitting E/G#in the F#m7maps,
Let's go on a Asus2/Bvoyage around the B7world
ConEsus4trol me Don't Eleave me
Esus2Our boat drifts aEway the B/D#sea of C#m7dreams
I reF#m7member G#mthose times,AM7those times
when EI was lonely felt B/D#like C#mI didn't want to bF#7e just sittinG#mg AM7out in rain
AM7A lack of oxygen from my loveE/A
makes a hole in |Eme---- ----|E---- ----|
|E---- ----|EM7---- E--B/E--|AM7---- ----|AM7---- ----|
|E---- ----|EM7---- E--B/E--|AM7---- ----|AM7---- ----|
ERows of my tracks
AM7Bearing down on me
Our time eats our Elove I'm alive
If all the dreams come tr AM7ue,I seem so far away
Our cheeks G#mnearly F#m7touch
Kick back and Brelax
Let's go on a Evoyage around the world
Our boat drifts away Ethe sea B/D#of C#mdreams
Happy toF#m7gether, coG#mme rain AM7come shine
EEven if I am someone eB/D#lse waC#mlking down
a strange street, I must surely F#7love you
I prize the feeling that canF#7/G#not teAM7ll the words |E---- (↓I've got time for you for)|
I've got time for you forEever
Little darlin', keep me warm
As time by, they change everyAM7thing
round and roundG#m
F#m7The stars at night fade into morning Btime
So I'd better Elive my life |B/E==== B/E==== E===E= =Esus4===|
ELittle darlin', keep me warm
when we will find pinkmoon floating on the sea
AM7round and round
Your A/G#kissin' lights F#m7me up
Your smilin' lights Aadd9/Bme up
Speaking Esus4with the pinkmoon only Eyou can see| |B/E==== B/E==== E===E= =Esus4===|
|E---- ----|E---- ----|AM7---- ----|AM7---- ---G#m-|
|F#m---- ----|B---- ----|E---- ----|B/E==== B/E==== E==E== =Esus4===|
|E---- ----|E---- ----|AM7---- ----|AM7---- ---G#m-|
|F#m---- ----|B---- ----|E---- ----| E==== E==== E==E== =B/D#===|
C#mHappy togeF#m7ther, coG#mme rain AM7come shine
EPoor soul's not strong to B/D#gain, you know?
C#mSometime I'm worrying days and nights
I never F#7forgive myself for your loG#mve, you know?
AM7Fum... E/AFum...|E---- ----|E---- (↓I've got time for you for-)|
I've got time for you forEever
Little darlin', keep me warm
As time by, they change everyAM7thing
round and roundG#m
F#m7The stars at night fade into morning Btime
So I'd better Elive my life B/Eand Etry toE be Esus4so strong
ELittle darlin', keep me warm
when we will find pinkmoon floating on the sea
AM7round and round
I gueE/G#ss you are F#m7runnin' through my time
F#m7/BI've got time for you(↓AM7forever.)
|AM7»===»===G#m7»==»==C#m»=|==== »»=»= ==»» =»==|
|AM7»===»»=»=G#m7»=»==C#m»=|-Cm>- Bm>-E>--|
|AM7»===»===G#m7»==»==C#m»=|==== »»=»= ==»» =»==|
|AM7»===»»=»=G#m7»=»==C#m»=|-Cm>- Bm>-E>-AM7>↓|
|====AM7»===G#m7»==»==C#m»=|==== »»=»= ==»» =»==|
|AM7»===»»=»=G#m7»=»==C#m»=|-Cm>- Bm>-E>--|
|AM7»===»===G#m7»»=»==C#m»=|==== »»=»= ==»» =»==|
|AM7»===»»=»=G#m7»=»==C#m»=|-Cm>- Bm>-E>--|
|AM7»===»===G#m7»==»==C#m»=|==== »»=»= ==»» =»==|
|AM7»===»»=»=G#m7»=»==C#m»=|-Cm>- Bm>-E>--|
|AM7»===»===G#m7»==»==C#m»=|==== »»=»= ==»» =»==|
|AM7»===»»=»=G#m7»=»==C#m»=|-Cm>- Bm>-E>-AM7>↓|
|====AM7»===G#m7»==»==C#m»=|==== »»=»= ==»» =»==|
|AM7»===»»=»=G#m7»=»==C#m»=|-Cm>- Bm>-E>-AM7>↓|
|====AM7»===G#m7»==»==C#m»=|==== »»=»= ==»» =»==|
|E---- ----|EM7---- E--B/E--|AM7---- ----|AM7---- B----|
|B/E---- ----|E------ B/E--|AM7---- ----|AM7---- ----|