Close to you (遙かなる影)
歌:Carpenters 原題:(They Long to Be) Close to you 作詞:Hal David 作曲:Burt Bacharach
BPM≒89 4/4拍子 -:4分音符 =:8分音符 >:8分アクセント
Key: G
(Piano only)
Why doCadd9birds suddenly Bsus4appearB
EveryBm7time you are nearEm7 Em
CM7Just like me,Cadd9 Cthey long toCadd9be
Gadd9Close to youGM9--|----|
Why do Cadd9stars fall down from theBsus4skyB
EveryBm7time you walk byEm7 Em
CM7Just like me,Cadd9 Cthey long toCadd9be
GM9Close to you -|G9--G7--|
COn the day thatCM7you were born, the Cangels got toCM7-gether
AndBm7decided to create a dream comeD/EtrueE
So theyCadd9sprinkled moondust Cin you hair andCM7golden starlightC6in your eyes of(↓Dadd9)blue
That isCadd9why, all the girls inBsus4townB
FollowBm7you, all aroundEm----|
CM7Just like me,Cadd9 Cthey long toCadd9be
GM9Close to you -|GM9-N.C.---|
Key: Ab
Blass Melo
DbOn the day thatDbM7you were born, the Dbangels got toDbM7-gether
AndCm7decided to create a dream comeEb/FtrueF
So theyDbadd9sprinkled moondust Dbin you hair andDbM7golden starlightDb6in your eyes of(↓Eb7sus4)blue
That isDbadd9why, all the girls inCsus4townC
FollowCm7you, all aroundFm----|
DbM7Just like me,Dbadd9 Dbthey long toDbadd9be
AbM9Close to you -|Ab----|
DbM7Just like me,Dbadd9 (2/4)Dbthey long to (4/4)Dbadd9be ---|
Abadd9Close to youAb--|Abadd9--Ab--|
DbM7Wa-- -Eb/Dbahahah DbM7ah ---|
AbM9close to you -|--Ab--|
DbM7Wa-- -Eb/Dbahahah DbM7ah ---|
AbM9close to you -|--Ab- =↓DbM7>|
(DbM7)Wa ---Eb/Dbahahah DbM7ah ---|
AbM9close to you -|--Ab--|
DbM7Wa-- -Eb/Dbahahah DbM7ah ---|
AbM7close to you -|
(Piano only)
|N.C.(Drums Fill)---- ----|
※ DbM7Wa-- -Eb/Dbahahah DbM7ah ---|
AbM9close to you -|--Ab--|
※ 繰り返し & FadeOut
BPM≒89 4/4拍子 -:4分音符 =:8分音符 >:8分アクセント
Key: G
(Piano only)
Why doCadd9birds suddenly Bsus4appearB
EveryBm7time you are nearEm7 Em
CM7Just like me,Cadd9 Cthey long toCadd9be
Gadd9Close to youGM9--|----|
Why do Cadd9stars fall down from theBsus4skyB
EveryBm7time you walk byEm7 Em
CM7Just like me,Cadd9 Cthey long toCadd9be
GM9Close to you -|G9--G7--|
COn the day thatCM7you were born, the Cangels got toCM7-gether
AndBm7decided to create a dream comeD/EtrueE
So theyCadd9sprinkled moondust Cin you hair andCM7golden starlightC6in your eyes of(↓Dadd9)blue
That isCadd9why, all the girls inBsus4townB
FollowBm7you, all aroundEm----|
CM7Just like me,Cadd9 Cthey long toCadd9be
GM9Close to you -|GM9-N.C.---|
Blass Melo
COn the day thatCM7you were born, the Cangels got toCM7-gether
AndBm7decided to create a dream comeD/EtrueE
So theyCadd9sprinkled moondust Cin you hair andCM7golden starlightC6in your eyes of(↓Dadd9)blue
That isCadd9why, all the girls inBsus4townB
FollowBm7you, all aroundEm----|
CM7Just like me,Cadd9 Cthey long toCadd9be
GM9Close to you -|G----|
CM7Just like me,Cadd9 (2/4)Cthey long to (4/4)Cadd9be ---|
Gadd9Close to youG--|Gadd9--G--|
CM7Wa-- -D/Cahahah CM7ah ---|
GM9close to you -|--G--|
CM7Wa-- -D/Cahahah CM7ah ---|
GM9close to you -|--G- =↓CM7>|
(CM7)Ha ---D/Cahahah CM7ah ---|
GM9close to you -|--G--|
CM7Wa-- -D/Cahahah CM7ah ---|
GM7close to you -|
(Piano only)
|N.C.(Drums Fill)---- ----|
※ CM7Wa-- -D/Cahahah CM7ah ---|
GM9close to you -|--G--|
※ 繰り返し & FadeOut