Don't Talk To Strangers
歌:Dio 作詞・作曲: Ronnie James Dio
BPM= 4/4拍子 -:8分音符 =:16分音符 >:アクセント
Key: Dm
|Dm7---- ----|Bbadd9(onD)---- ----|Fadd9---C(0nE)- --F--|Dm7---- Don't talk to-|
|Dm7stran gers-- -Mm--|Bbadd9(onD)mm--- ----|Fadd9Mm--C(0nE)- --F--|Dm7---- ----|
Verse A
Dm7Don't talk to stranBbadd9(onD)gers
'Cause they'reFadd9onlyC(onE)thereFtoDm7do you harm
Dm7Don't write in starBbadd9(onD)light
'Cause theFadd9wordsC(onE)may comeFoutDm7real
Drum in
Verse A'
Dm9Don't hide in doorBbadd9ways
You mayCadd9find the key thatDm9opens up your soul
Don't go to heavBbadd9en
'Cause it'sCadd9really onlyDm9hell
all in
Verse A''
Dm9Don't smell the flowBbadd9ers
They're anCadd9evil drug toDm9make you lose your mind
Don't dream of womBbadd9en
'Cause they Conly bring you |Dmdown--Bb(onD)> -->-|->-- >->-|Dm>--Bb(onD)> -->-|->-- >->-|
|Dm>--Bb(onD)> -->-|->-- >->-|Dm>--Bb(onD)> -->-|->-- >->-|
Verse B
HeyDmyou, you knowDdimme, you've touchedG(onD)me, I'm realDm
DmI'm forevDdimer the oneG(onD)that lets youDmlook and see
Can you feelBbmeC
I'm theDmstranBb(onD)ger
Verse B'
AndDmI, I'm darkDdimness, I'm anGm(onD)ger, I'm painDm
DmI am masterDdim
TheGm(onD)evil song youDmsing inside yourBbbrainC
Drive you inBbsane CDon't
|Dmtalk--- ----|C>Dm>-F> -Dm>-C>|C>--- ----|CDon't let them inside your|
|Dmmind,--- -yeah--|C>Dm>-F> -Dm>-C>|C>--- ---Bb-|
BbRun away, Arun away,
Guitar solo
|Dmgo--- ----|Bb---- ----|C---- ----|Dm---- ----|Dm---- ----|Bb---- ----|C---- ----|Dm---- ----|
|Dm---- ----|Bb---- ----|C---- ----|Dm---- ----|Dm---- ----|Bb---- ----|C---- ----|Dm---- ----|
|Dm---- ----|Bb---- ----|C---- ----|Dm---- ----|Dm---- ----|Bb---- ----|C---- ----|Dm---- ----|
|Dm---- -No,--|Bbno--- ---don't|Clet then in- -your-mind|Dm---- ----|Dm---- ----|Bb---- ----|C---Pro tect your-soul|Dm---- ----|
|Dm---- ----|Bb---- ----|C---- ----|Dm---- ----|Dm---- ----|Bb---- ----|C---- ----|Dm---- ----|
Verse A''''
DmDon't dance in darkBbness
You may Cstumble and you'reDmsure to fall
DmDon't write inBbstarlight
'Cause the Cwords may come outDmreal
Verse A'''''
DmDon't talk to stranBbgers (don't talk to strangers)
'Cause they're Conly there toDmmake you sad
DmDon't dream of woBbmen
'Cause they'll Conly (rit.) bring you (Port.)down
(a tempo)|Dm>--Bb(onD)> -->-|->-- >->-|DmYeah--Bb(onD)> -->-|->-- >->-|
|Dm>--Bb(onD)> -->-|->-- >->-|Dm>--Bb(onD)> -->-|Run,- run,- run,- run a|
|Dmway--Bb(onD)> -->-|->-- >->-|Dm>--Bb(onD)> -->-|->-- >->-|
|Dm>--Bb(onD)> -->-|->-- >->-|Dm>--Bb> ----|woo--- ----|