Good morning Emma Sympson(シンガロン2収録ver)
歌:古川本舗 feat.ちびた 作詞・作曲:古川本舗
Key: D
|D---- ----|---- ----|G---- ----|---- ----|
|D---- ----|---- ----|G---- ----|---- ----|
the Ddistance became a wallG
apprDoached one goes awayG
aimee sinBmg "We've toG live bAe thoundDer"
aimee mBmann just rGight.yAes.fXXker!
|D---- ----|---- ----|G---- ----|---- ----|
|D---- ----|---- ----|G---- ----|---- ----|
tDhe story of you.umm, YGou and me
IDt is not defrosted. like yGou and me
Even iBmf he deGnies. YAou should not Dhear
Because Bmonly air TGrembleA is trDue
----|D---- ----|D---- ----|D---- ----|
IG'm sorryA emmaBm
and I'm Sorry FGor Being CArappy FrienBmd
AG storyA of emmaBm
your DAD say GPrepare it in Aa hurry
|D---- ----|---- ----|G---- ----|---- ----|
|D---- ----|---- ----|G---- ----|---- ----|
WDay to the everywhere,
SGcattered pink door
dDistance and time are meaningleGss in front of the door
BmI want to send the bGook to you by uAsing the dooDr
named "wBmhile season toGward every Aanother INDIDA"
----|D---- ----|D---- ----|D---- ----|
IG'm sorryA emmaBm
and I'm Sorry FGor Being CArappy FrienBmd
AG storyA of emmaBm
This meeting overGflowed with toA wonder
|D---- ----|---- ----|G---- ----|---- ----|
|D---- ----|---- ----|G---- ----|---- ----|
|Bm---- ----|G---- ----|A---- ----|D---- ----|
|Bm---- ----|G---- ----|A---- ----|A---- ----|
|A---- ----|A---- ----|
IG'm sorryA emmaBm
and I'm Sorry FGor Being CArappy FrienBmd
AG storyA of emmaBm
your DAD say GPrepare it in Aa hurry
IG'm sorryA emmaBm
and I'm Sorry FGor Being CArappy FrienBmd
AG storyA of emmaBm
This meeting overGflowed with to wonderA
overGflowed with toA wonder
|D---- ----|G7---- ----|D---- ----|G7---- ----|
|D7--xxxxxx|xxxxxx-C#7-|xxxxD7----|---- ----|