歌:44MAGNUM 作詞:梅原達也 作曲:吉川裕規
BPM=153 -:8分音符 >:アクセント ←:8分シンコペ
Key: E
|← E---- ----|---- ----|← C#m7---- ----|← Aadd9---- ----|
|← E---- ----|---- ----|← C#m7---- ----|← Aadd9-Ah, ----|
|← E--気が滅入る| ぜ-- ----|← C#m7-奴らと一緒| ← Aadd9に居るのは --|
|← E-芝居がかっ| た ----|← C#m7-涙を見せて| ← Aadd9そのあげく --|
|← E-吐いたセリフす| べてウソ ----|← C#m7-顔を洗って| ← Aadd9出直しな --|
|← E-バカみたいだ| ぜ-- ----|← C#m7-ウソだと分かっ| ← Aadd9ているんだぜ --|
|G# ←---When I was just a| no-one You were the best | ← C#mfriend that D#m7I ever had| ← E---- ----|
|G# ←---- Now that I'm| famous All you do | ← A--is talk behind | ← Bmy back ---(-|)
I | ← E--can't take it this way | ← F#m7---I just can't take | ← G#m7---- -anymore |← Aadd9---- ---(-|)
I | ← E--can't take it this way | ← F#m7---I just can't take | ← CM7---- -any-| ← D---- --more|
|← E-参っちまう| ぜ-- ----|← C#m7-得意げな面| ← Aadd9をしながら|
|← E-過去をあばいて| 笑って見せる--|← C#m7-井戸端会議、| ← Aadd9始まった --|
|G# ←---When I was just a| no-one You were the best | C#m7 ←friend that D#m7I ever had| E ←---- ----|
|G# ←---- Now that I'm| famous All you do | A ←--is talk behind | B ←my back ---(-|)
I | ← E--can't take it this way | ← F#m7---I just can't take | ← G#m7---- -anymore |← Aadd9---- ---(-|)
I | ← E--can't take it this way | ← F#m7---I just can't take | ← G#m7---- -anymore |← Aadd9---- ---(-|)
I | ← E--can't take it this way | ← F#m7---I just can't take | ← G#m7---- -anymore |← Aadd9---- ---(-|)
I | ← E--can't take it this way | ← F#m7---I just can't take | ← CM7---- -any-| ← D6(9)---- --more|
|← E---- ----|---- ----|← C#m7-I just can't take | ← Aadd9anymore --|
|← E---- ----|---- ----|← C#m7---- ----|← Aadd9---- ----|
|← A---- ----|---- ----|← C#m---- ----|---- ----|
|← A---- ----|---- ----|← C#m---- ----|---- ----|
|← A---- ----|---- ----|← C#m---- ----|---- ----|
|← A---- ----|---- ----|← C#m---- ----|---- ----|
|← A---- ----|---- ----|---- ----|---- ----|
|← B---- ----|---- ----|---- ----|---- ---(-|)
I | ← E--can't take it this way | ← F#m7---I just can't take | ← G#m7---- -anymore |← Aadd9---- ---(-|)
I | ← E--can't take it this way | ← F#m7---I just can't take | ← G#m7---- -anymore |← Aadd9---- ---(-|)
I | ← E--can't take it this way | ← F#m7---I just can't take | ← G#m7---- -anymore |← Aadd9---- ---(-|)
I | ← E--can't take it this way | ← F#m7---I just can't take | ← CM7---- -any-| ← D6(9)---- --more|
|← E---- ----|---- ----|← C#m7-You can tell lies all | ← Aadd9night long --|
|← E---- ----|---- ---I | ← C#mcan't take it any-| ← Aadd9more-- ----|
|← E---- ----|---- ----|← C#m7-I'm gonna rock-| ← Aadd9'n roll ----|
|← E---- ----|---- ---Ow,|← C#m---- ----|← Aadd9---- -Alright!|
|E>--C#m> --B>-|-A>-- B>-C#m>-|E>--- ----|