If We Hold On Together
歌:Diana Ross 作詞・作曲:James Horner, Will Jennings
BPM≒70 4/4拍子 -:8分音符 >:アクセント
Key: C
|C---- Em----|F---- C/G--G--|
|C---- Em----|F---- C/G--G7--|
[verse #1]
Csus2Don't lose your Cway withCsus2each passing Cday
Csus2You've come so C/Efar, Don't Fthrow it Gaway
AmLive beClieving Amdreams are for Emweaving
FWonders are Cwaiting to Gstart
AmLive your Cstory Amfaith, hope & Emglory
FHold to the Ctruth in yourG heart
[chorus #1]
CIf we hold Emon toFgeGther
CI know our Emdreams will Fnever dieG
CDreams see us Emthrough to forG/F-eFver
WhereAm cloudsDm/FrollCadd9by
ForAm youDm/Fand CI -- ----|
[verse #2]
Csus2Souls in the Cwind, MustCsus2learn how to Cbend
Csus2Seek out a C/Estar hold Fon to the Gend
AmValley, Cmountain, AmThere is a Emfountain
FWashes our Ctears all Gaway
AmWords are Cswaying, AmSomeone is Empraying
FPlease let us Ccome home toG stay
[chorus #2]
CIf we hold Emon toFgeGther
CI know our Emdreams will Fnever dieG
CDreams see us Emthrough to forG/F-eFver
WhereAm cloudsDm/FrollCadd9by
ForAm youDm/Fand CI -- ----|
When Fwe areG/Fout there C/Ein the darkC
We'llDm7dream a-Gbout the sunC---- G/C--C--|
EbIn theF/Ebdark we'llBbadd9/Dfeel the lightBb
AbWarm our hearts, (2/4)D7Every one (4/4)G---- ----|
[chorus #2]
CIf we hold Emon toFgeGther
CI know our Emdreams will Fnever dieG
CDreams see us Emthrough to forG/F-eFver
AsAm high asG#augsouls canC/Gfly, TheF#m7-5clouds rollDm7(11)by
ForG7sus4you and(↓)I
(Strings Sect.)
|Cadd9---- CM7/E----|(rit.)G/F--C/F-- G7sus4----|Cadd9---- ----|| (fine.)