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Mermaid girl (ゲーム『beatmaniaIIDX 18 Resort Anthem』収録曲)

歌:moimoi(森永真由美) 作詞:Halka 作曲:Ryu☆

4/4拍子 BPM=140


Key: F#m

I'm a Dtwinkle little Emermaid girl

C#m7Waiting for a F#mhoney Eman

DDe-dup-i-dip-i Esing a song

C#/E#Love me take me F#mthere

I'm a Dtwinkle little Emermaid girl

C#m7Oh I'm in a F#mheavenly Eworld

DDe-dup-i-dip-i Ecall my name

C#/E#De-dup-i-dip-i hold me long



I lived Din an Eocean, in a C#m7coral palaceF#m E

Grown up Din Ecomfort sweet C#mprincessF#m E

Sugar Dand Espices and C#m7all that's F#mniceE

(The) missing DingredientE was just C#myour F#mpresence

F#mOne day a Dwitch gave me Elovely legsAM7

To F#mcome up Dto your Eside

F#mI know this Ddreamy world's a EfairytaleAM7

But F#mcould you Bmkiss me Ehere

I'm a Dtwinkle little Emermaid girl

C#m7Waiting for a F#mhoney Eman

DDe-dup-i-dip-i Esing a song

C#/E#Love me take me F#mthere

I'm a Dtwinkle little Emermaid girl

C#m7Oh I'm in a F#mheavenly Eworld

DDe-dup-i-dip-i Ecall my name

C#/E#De-dup-i-dip-i F#mhold me long



F#mBubbles Dsparkle and EdisappearAM7

F#mInto the Ddeep blue Esea

F#mI know my Dlife is a Esad fairytaleAM7

So F#mcould you Bmwipe my Etears

Key: G#m

I'm a Etwinkle little F#mermaid girl

D#m7Waiting for a G#mhoney F#man

EDe-dup-i-dip-i F#sing a song

D#/GLove me take me G#mthere

I'm a Etwinkle little F#mermaid girl

D#m7Oh I'm in a G#mheavenly F#world

EDe-dup-i-dip-i F#call my name

D#/GDe-dup-i-dip-i G#mhold me long