Mother, Father
歌 Journey 作詞作曲 Jonathan Cain, M.Schon, Neal Schon, Steve Perry
BPM= 4/4拍子 -:8分音符
Key: Em
|Em---- ----|D7/F#---- ----|D7---- ----|Em--D-- C--G--|D---- ----|
|Em-- SheA/C#sits -- a |Dlone,-- anG/Bempty |Cstare -- AF#/A#mother's |Bface -- sheE/G#wears --|
|Em-- WhereA/C#did - she go |Dwrong,-- The G/Bfight is |Cgone -- Lord F#/A#help this |Bsus4broken Bhome ---|
|Em==== Hey, -CM7(13)==== mother, -C#m7-5(-13)==== father, - D==== sisterDsus4=D=-|
|Em==== Hey, -CM7(13)==== come back, -C#m7-5(-13)t==== ryin',-D=== believein'Dsus4=D=-|
|Em==== Hey,-CM7(13)==== mother,-C#m7-5(-13)==== father, -D==== dreamerDsus4=D=-|
|C/G-=G= Don't you know that I'm a |Dsus4live -Dfor you - ----|
|C/G-=G= I'm your seventh |Dsus4son -D-- ----|
|C/G-=G= And when lightnin' strikes the |Dsus4familyD- --- Have |D/Cfaith, -Cbelieve.- ----|
|Em---- A/C#----|D---- G/B>---|
|Em--- WithA/C#dreams --he |Dtried, -- lostG/B---his |Cpride -- He |F#/A#drinks -- his Blife --- aE/G#way ---|
|Em--- OneA/C#photogra|Dph, --- G/B-in broken |Cglass -- It F#/A#should -- not |Bsus4end this Bway ---|
|Em---- D----|C---- G/B----|(2/4)Gm6/Bb----|C#/G#---- F/A----|Bb69---- Csus4--C--|
|Em---- D----|C---- G/B----|Gm6/Bb---- C#/G#---- |F/A---- Bb69----|Csus4---- ----|C---- ----|
|Em--- ThroughA/C#bitter tears |D--- AndG/B--- wounded |Cyears,-- those F#/A# ties of |Bblood --- wereE/G#strong -|
|Em--- SoA/C#much -- to say, |D--- those G/B--yesterday |Cs ----F#/A# -So now don't you -|Bsus4--turn a -Bway.---|
|Em==== Hey, -CM7(13)==== mother, -C#m7-5(-13)==== father, - D==== sisterDsus4=D=-|
|Em==== Hey, -CM7(13)==== come back, -C#m7-5(-13)t==== ryin',-D=== believein'Dsus4=D=-|
|Em==== Hey,-CM7(13)==== mother,-C#m7-5(-13)==== father, -D==== dreamerDsus4=D=-|
|C/G-=G= Don't you know that I'm a |Dsus4live -Dfor you - ----|
|C/G-=G= I'm your seventh |Dsus4son -D-- ----|
|C/G-=G= And when lightnin' strikes the |Dsus4familyD- --- Have |D/Cfaith, -Cbelieve.- ----|
[Guitar Solo]
|Em---- CM7(13)----|C#m7-5(-13) ---- D--Dsus4=D=-|Em---- CM7(13)----|C#m7-5(-13) ---- D--Dsus4=D=-|
|Em---- CM7(13)----|C#m7-5(-13) ---- D--Dsus4=D=-|Em---- CM7(13)----|C#m7-5(-13) ---- D--Dsus4=D=-|
|C/G-=G= Don't you know that I'm a |Dsus4live -Dfor you - ----|
|C/G-=G= I'm your seventh |Dsus4son -D-- ----|
|C/G-=G= And when lightnin' strikes the |Dsus4familyD- --- Have |D/Cfaith, -Cbelieve.- ----|
|Bb69---- ----|F/A---- ----|Bb69---- ----|F/A---- ----|
|Csus4/G-=C/G=-- ----|F/A---- ----|Csus4/G-=C/G=-- ----|F/A---- ----|Csus4/G-=C/G=-- ----|F/A---- ----|