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歌:LOUDNESS 作詞:二井原実 作曲:高崎晃

BPM=141 -:8分音符 =:16分音符 >:アクセント ←:シンコペ

Key: Am

| N.C.---- ---- | N.C.---- ---- | N.C.---- ---- | N.C.(Drum Fill)---- ---- |

| Am----F---- | Am----F---- | Am----F---- | Gsus4----G---- |

| Am----F/A---- | G/D>==>==Am/E> ---- | Am----F/A---- | G/B>==G>==F> ---- |

| Am----F/A---- | G/D>==>==Am/E> ---- | Am----F/A---- | G/B>==G>==F> ---- |

| AmHear the thunder | Amcrashing through the night/D-/C-/D-/E- |

| AmStorm clouds brewing in the | GEast--Out in |

| Gthe east---- |

| AmSee the fire | Amblazing out of sight/D-/C-/D-/E- |

| AmTempest raging from the | GBeast--Where can |

| Gwe go?---- |

| FIn the spirit of | Esurvival---- |

| GUndercover in the | Dmdanger zone-- |

| FAll the nations will be | Eglowing---- |

| DmOn--their-- | Dmway--to-- |

| Amhell--F/A---- | G/D>==>==Am/E> ---- | Am----F/A---- | G/B>==G>==F> ---- |

| Am----F/A---- | G/D>==>==Am/E> ---- | Am----F/A---- | G/B>==G>==F> ---- |

| AmDeath and danger | Amon the new horizon/D-/C-/D-/E- |

| AmTerror all across the | Gland-- ---- |

| G---- ---- |

| AmFeel the power, | Amweapons of destruction/D-/C-/D-/E- |

| AmSoldiers take the final | Gstand-- ----|

| GWho's in command?---- |

| FCan you feel the wind is | Eblowing-- |

| GFalling angels on the | Dmhigh frontier-- |

| FReaching out in despe- | Eration---- |

| DmMarch, march, | Dmpress the button down-/CS./DD. |

| EI.-- --They're going | Fall theEway--/CS./DD. |

| EI.-- ---Such a | Cfoo-GlishBbgame--/CS./DD. |

| EI.-- --There's no one | Fleft toEblame--/CS./DD. |

| EI.-- ---- | Dm>>==.>=>=.>=>=.>=>= |

| Am----F---- | Am----F---- | Am----F---- | Gsus4----G---- |

Guitar Solo

| Am----F/A---- | G/D>==>==Am/E> ---- | Am----F/A---- | G/B>==G>==F> ---- |

| Am----F/A---- | G/D>==>==Am/E> ---- | Am----F/A---- | G/B>==G>==F> ---- |

| E---- ---- | F---- ---- | G---- ---- | Am---- ---- |

| Bm>==>.==>=.==>=.>=>= | Bm>==>.==>=.====.==== |

| Em---- ---- | C---- ---- | D---- ---- | D---- ---- |

| Em---- ---- | C---- ---- | D---- ---- | D---- ---- |

| Em/CThey call it  Emwar-- | ---- ---- | Em/CThey call it  Emwar-- | ---- ---- |

| Am----F/A---- | G/D>==>==Am/E> ---- | Am----F/A---- | G/BS.>==GD.>==FI.> ---- |

| Am----F/A---- | G/DS.>==D.>==Am/EI.> ---- | Am----F/A---- | G/BS.>==GD.>==FI.> ---- |

| AmHear the thunder | Amcrashing through the night/D-/C-/D-/E- |

| Am---- ---- | G---- ---- |

| G---- ---- |

| AmSee the fire | Amblazing out of sight/D-/C-/D-/E- |

| Am---- ---- | G---- ---- |

| G---- ---- |

| FIn the spirit of | Esurvival---- |

| GUndercover in the | Dmdanger zone-- |

| FAll the nations will be | Eglowing---- |

| DmMarch, march, | Dmpress the button down-/CS./DD. |

| EI.-- --They're going | Fall theEway--/CS./DD. |

| EI.-- ---Such a | Cfoo-GlishBbgame--/CS./DD. |

| EI.-- --There's no one | Fleft toEblame--/CS./DD. |

| EI.-- S.D.I.-- | Dm>>==.>=>=.>=>=.>=>= |

| Am----F/A---- | G/DS.>==D.>==Am/EI.> ---- | Am----F/A---- | G/BS.>==GD.>==FI.> ---- |

| Am----F/A---- | G/DS.>==D.>==Am/EI.> ---- | Am----F/A---- | G/B>!--- ---- |

| G/B>--F> ---- | G/B>==G>.==F>=.==/G>=./F>=/G>= |

| AmS.--- ---- | AmD.--- ---- | AmI.--- ---- | Am>-N.C.-- ---- ||