Someday My Prince Will Come(いつか王子様が) (ディズニー映画「白雪姫」挿入歌)
歌:Adriana Caselotti 作詞:Larry Morey 作曲:Frank Churchill
BbSomeD7(b13)day my EbM7prince will G7(b13)come
Cm7SomeG7(b13)day we'll Cm7meet aF7gain
And Dm7away to his Dbdim7castle we'll Cm7goF7
To be Dm7happy forDbdim7ever I Cm7knowF7
BbSomeD7(b13)day when EbM7spring is G7(b13)here
Cm7We'll G7(b13)find our Cm7love aF7new
And the Fm7birds will Bb7sing and EbM7weddingbells will Edim7ring
SomeBbM7/Fday when Fdimmy dreams F7sus4come F7true