The Red Moon Calls Insanity
BPM=115 -:8分音符 =:16分音符 >:アクセント
Key: F#m
|N.C.---- ----|---- ----|---- ----|---- E>---|
|F#m---- ----|E---- --A/C#--|D-- ===E= ----|F#m---- --E--|
|F#m---- ----|E---- --A/C#--|D-- ===E= ----|
(unison phrase)(単音)|A>F#>=E> =E>F#>= =E>C#>C> B>A>==|F#>==> ==>= ----|
F#m今宵赤い月(つ| F#mき)は ----|B/F#生々しい程(ほ| B/F#ど)-- ----|
F#m血管を脈| F#m打ち ----|E/F#闇にぶらさがる|B/F#---- ----|
F#m忘れ去られた| F#m夜 ----|B/F#悪夢の切れ端(は| B/F#し)
F#m月光と交| F#mわり ----|E/F#最後の発狂(はっきょ| B/F#う)-- ----|
EThe red | Emoon ----|F#m calls insan|-B/F#ity ----|
EAll | Esights-- E>==D> ==C#>=|--are ----|C# >>red ==>> --E--|
F#m朧な影を| F#m引き ----|B/F#当ても無く彷徨(さま| B/F#よ)う
F#m湧き上がる狂| F#m気を--|E/F#押さえつけられぬ|B/F#---- ----|
F#m記憶を塗り潰(つ| F#mぶ)す ----|B/F#穢らわしき月(つ| B/F#き)-- ----|
F#m先祖返りの| F#m夜 ----|E/F#戦(おのの)け!絶叫(ぜっきょ| B/F#う)-- ----|
DInto the night Into the dark | DInto the blood,E--|F#m---- ----|---- ----|
E徘徊するのは|E---- ----|Bm異形の塊| Bmり-- --A/C#--|
DInto the night Into the blue | DInto the blood,E--|F#m---- ----|B/F#---- ----|
EYou're wrapped in the moon | Elight-- E>==D> ==C#>=|Don't raise the vacant| (C#m↓)eyes
|C#m>>== B>==A> ---(-|)
G-F#mrowing in the air | Eone by one,A/C#--|D--Your Edescent won't | F#mdie out yet --E--|
F#mGaze at the nights | Ewith madnessA/C#--|D--Your Edescent don't | (↓)die
(unison phrase)(単音)|A>F#>=E> =E>F#>= =E>C#>C> B>A>==|E>==> ==>= --E#>-|
Key: F#
|F#---- ----|---- ----|---- ----|---- ----|
|F#---- ----|---- ----|---- ----|F#m---- ----|
Key: F#m
|F#m---- ----|---- ----|B/F#---- ----|---- ----|
|F#m---- ----|---- ----|B/F#---- ----|---- ----|
|F#sus4---- ----|---- ----|---- ----|---- ----|
|F#sus4---- ----|---- ----|---- ----|---- ----|
DInto the night Into the dark | DInto the blood,E--|F#m---- ----|---- ----|
E徘徊するのは|E---- ----|Bm異形の塊| Bmり-- --A/C#--|
DInto the night Into the blue | DInto the blood,E--|F#m---- ----|B/F#---- ----|
EYou're wrapped in the moon | Elight-- E>==D> ==C#>=|Don't raise the vacant| (C#m↓)eyes
|C#m>>=B> >=A>> =G#>>= E-(F#m-|)
G-F#mrowing in the air | Eone by one,A/C#--|D--Your Edescent won't | F#mdie out yet --E--|
F#mGaze at the nights | Ewith madnessA/C#--|D--Your Edescent don't | (↓)die
(unison phrase)(単音)|B>G#>=F#> =F#>G#>= =F#>D#>D> C>B>==|
Key: G#m
G#mOh Growing in the | F#air, intoB/D# the | Eblood, F#into the | G#mnight-- ----|
G#mOh Growing in the | F#air, intoB/D# the | Eblood, F#into the | G#mnight-- ---(-|)
G-G#mrowing in the air | F#one by one,B/D#--|E--Your F#descent won't | G#mdie out yet ----|
G#mGaze at the nights | F#with madnessB/D#--|E--Your F#descent don't | Gdie-- A----|
Key: F#m
(unison phrase)(単音)|A>F#>=E> =E>F#>= =E>C#>C> B>A>==|F#m>==E> ==F#m>= ----|
(Die and out)