Open Arms
BPM≒103 3/4拍子 -:8分音符
Key: D
(Straight Beat)
|Dadd9-- -- --|-- -- --|A/C#-- -- --|G/B-- -- --|
|Bm-- -- --|A-- -- --|Gadd9-- -- --|-- -- --|
DLying beside you , A/C#Here in theBm7dark
BmFeeling your A6heart beat withGadd9mine
DSoftly you whisper , A/C#you’re so sinGadd9/Bcere
BmHow could our A6love be soGadd9blind
We Emsailed on together We Bmdrifted apart
A/C#And Dhere you Aare by my Gside -- --|A/G-- -- --|G-- -- --
A7/GSo now I Dadd9come to Dyou, Dadd9/F#OpenD/F#arms
GNothing to hide, C7(9)believe what I say
SoDadd9here I Dam withDadd9/F#OpenD/F#arms
GHoping you'll see what yourC7(9)love means to me, Open(↓)arms…..
(Straight Beat)
|D-- -- --|-- -- --|A/C#-- -- --|G/B-- -- --|
|Bm-- -- --|A-- -- --|Gadd9-- -- --|-- -- --|
DLiving without you , A/C#livingG/Balone
BmThis empty Ahouse seems soGadd9cold
DWanting to hold you , A/C#wanting youGadd9/Bnear
BmHow much I Awanted you Ghome
But Emnow that you’ve come back Turned Bmnight into dayA/C#
DI Aneed you to Gstay -- --|A/G-- -- --|G-- -- --
A7/GSo now I Dadd9come to Dyou , Dadd9/F#OpenD/F#arms
GNothing to hide , C7(9)believe what I say
SoDadd9here I Dam withDadd9/F#OpenD/F#arms
GHoping you'll see what yourC7(9)love means to me, Open(↓)arms…..
|D-- -- --|-- -- --|D/C-- -- --|-- -- --|
|G/B-- -- --|(rit.)Gsus4/C-- --Bb/C--|Dadd9-- -- --|| (Fine)